Photo Credit:  Dominic Russo

Edited by Jin Choi


Fabrication & Installation


Jin Choi and Thomas Shine

Structural Design

Thomas Shine

James Axley

(Emeritus) Professor Yale School of Architecture


Hannon Rigging


McLaren Engineering Group

Metal Fabrication

Magnum Companies


Thomas Shine

Jin Choi

Scottsdale Public Art

Photo Credit:  Choi+Shine Architects ©2018

Quick Facts

Material: 480,000 ft (146,000m) of weatherproof cord.

Size: 600 ft x 8 ft  (180 m x 2.4m)

Weight: 2,800 lbs  (1280 kg)


Kathryn Antman

Julie Baker

Lynn Berndt

Barbara Birch

Angelica Bishara

Kathy Brown

Debra Brunk

Clara Burroughs Nelson

Julia Cadwalader

Marilyn Cahoon

Bethany Cecere

Bobby Chapman 

Jin Choi

Penelope Coles

Shannon Collier

Ronald Conner

Brian Cooley

Jan Cordova

Gigi Decker

Debra DeVilbiss

Ross Donovan

Joyce Emile

Mary Estrada

Susan Fix

Andrea Forman

Rebecca Froehlich

Liz Frusher

Debbie Gates

Julie Gessler

Wendy Goldston

Diane Hanneman

Kimberly Hatch

Mary Helen Whitney

Valerie Hildebrand

Katie Hill

Lara Hill

Mary Humme

Annette Hynes

Paula Imboden

Erika Iskowitz 

Lorraine Jackson

Cheryl Jansen

MaryJean Gildea Kelehan

Peggy Kaney

Lidia Karabinech

Heather Kirschner

Sharry Lee Gregory

Katharine Leigh Simpson

Diane Linn

Kimberly Linn

Meryl Lombard

Nancy Lott

Pamela Luhrs Barrett

Peggy McNamara

Corey Meier

Mariette Meijaard

Patti Murphy

Diane Muse

Trina Nutall Clemens

Peihan Orestes

Mary Parke 

Kristen Perez

Mary Perez

Julia Pierce

DarleneA. Pilsudski-Keberle

Martha Raisanen

Prabha Ramakrishnan

Kat Rand

Jennifer Richie

Holly Rife

Diane Rinaldo

Hillary Robertson

Miriam Robinson 

Betsy Rosenmiller

DeDe Rudolphy

Annie Sarber

Patti Schollenberger

Scarlett Shaw

Susan Shipley-Slick

Gandolfa Stegmann

Lisa Takata

Faith Taylor

Susan Thrasher

Glenda Underwood Kooney

Micaya Vance Clymer

Stacy Verkayk

Sharann Watson

Natalie Weichel

JoAnn Williams

Caroline Wise

Krista Zeghers

ARIZONA!  was hand crocheted in small pieces by volunteers  from all over the U.S who carefully followed the patterns developed by Jin Choi.   The volunteers posted their progress to social media, sharing their work and communicating with other crocheters.  Through this interaction and collaboration,  they formed a strong bond to achieve the shared the goal: creating something beautiful together.


Esteben Acevedo

Kristine Adams

Grace Adams

Alex Aguilar

Ashley aguilar


John and Melanie

George Ann Olson

Brittany Arnold

Roel Ayala

Shelly B

Eman Bahloul

Pamela Barrett

Jill Bernstein

Lorie Beuf

Julie Bird

Linda Bird

Melanie Bird

Anita Blain

Mariana Bortoluzzi

Johny Bosco

Misty Brown

Leisa Burdine

Marilyn Cahoon

Denise Caldwell

Lihui Chen

Jin Choi

Edie Chudnow

Cynthia Clark Harvey

Penelope Coles

Jason Colon

Angela Coppola

Shannon Corbett

Lisa Corridan

Sophia Corridan

Rebekah Costello


Cindy Crandall

Michelle Donovan

Ross Donovan

Ishmeal Ebo

Josias Edouard

Lynn Elliott

Rich Elliott

Taylor Espinoza

Mary Estrada

Kim Curry Evans

Jan F

Joy Filan

Johnny Flores

Tanya Galin

Jose Garcia

Sharon Gentile

Marla Geser

Lesley Gibbs

Mary Gilgenbach

Jennifer Gill

Mickey Glover

Diane Graham

Amy Guerrero

Geraldine Gyger

Kristen Haberer

Laura Hales

Chris Harthun

Thia Hassett

Marla Hattabaugh

Mary Helen Whitney

Tammy Hinds


Breanna Holmes

Marissa Honey-Jones

Jill Jackson

Lynn Jackson

Lainy Jada

Laura Jansen

Stella Jansen

Cindy Janus

Kim Johnson


Angelica Jubran-Bishara

John K

Melanie K

Angela Karnes


Aleyne Larner

Liz Lawrence

Claire Lawrence

Diego Ley

Sally-Heath Lloyd

Armando Lopez

Mina Lopez

Nancy Lott

Bonnie Lund 

Emma Lyman

Kyllan Maney 

Suzi Mast

Maureen Mayo

Peggy McNamara

Isabella Medina

Meggan Medina

Pat Meyer

Clayton Michaud

Marilyn Morabito

Angel Morales

Whitney Nelson

Kayla Newnam



Trina Nuttall

Nee Nilou Yarkhan

Jesus Olivo

Lorre Olsen

Yiefi Ouattara

Shannon P

Jagan Pandari

Annie Parker

Christopher Payne

Susan Peskind

Sherri Pflibsen

Beth Piazza

Cheryl Piccirilli

Danny Pile

Stacy Piotti

Sai Powers

Jamie Prins

Nashie Prouty

Charlotte Quinney

Martie R(ichter)

Wendy Raisanen

Gayle Reed

Meribeth Reeves

Vicki Richardson

Marlene Richter

Mike Rivera


Paul Romero Carol Rosensteel


DeDe Rudolphy

Barbara Russell

Ellen Samuel

Livia Samuel

Christine Samuel

Frankie Sanchez

Ulysses Sanchez

Jill Sandala 

Annie Sarber

Patti Schollenberger

Kellie Sciortino

Gianna Sciortino

Nicolette Sciortino

Cailin Semro

Saundra Semro

Meredith Sevier

Suzanne Sharp

Danielle Shepherd

Xavier Sheriden

John Shimkus

Thomas Shine

Kourosh Shojaee

Michael Smedley

Jose Soto

Lori Stewart

Susan Stolting

Nancy Strand

Marlene Tessier

Caroline Tetlow

Marianne Tetlow

Rachel Thelander


Rob Turner

Sandy Wagner

Sharann Watson

Kristin Wesley

Alexandra Williams

Brett Williams

JoAnn Williams

Nohemi Williams

Stacy Wilson

Carolyn Zarr

Once all the lace pieces were crocheted, local volunteers in Scottsdale worked together to join the crocheted pieces forming large segments, ready for installation.  About 200 volunteers hand sew the pieces together for a month.  There were grandmothers, daughter-in-laws and grand daughters who came together to work, husband and wife teams, mothers and daughters, fraternity brothers, foreign exchange students, and brothers and sisters all came together.  Strangers became friends and old friends were reconnected through the project.

Photo Credit: Matthew Hannon

ARIZONA! was designed to appear as a weightless ribbon, floating over and around the Arizona Canal.  The artworks’ unique structural system, invented by Choi+Shine,  allows the lace ribbon to be formed in any shape, yet retain its taught, crisp lines and surfaces.  The structural system, unique to this artwork, is patented (pending).

ARIZONA! allows for multiple forms of support, including  suspension, self supporting arches and simple post supports.

Photo Credit:  Choi+Shine Architects ©2018

Photo Credit:  Choi+Shine Architects ©2018

Photo Credit:  Choi+Shine Architects ©2018

Photo Credit:  Choi+Shine Architects ©2018

If you would like to participate

in our future crochet projects,

please send us an email to:

 skim [at]

The design and images of ARIZONA!  are copyright 2017-2018, Choi+Shine Architects and may not be used without written permission.   Arizona!™  is a trademark of Choi+Shine Architects.

The images and design  copyright 2016 - 2024   Choi+Shine Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

The designs, artworks and images on this page are subject to copyright, patent and/or trademark protection.

Contact:  Choi+Shine Architects for written permission for image use.

Instagram @choishinearch