© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects


2018 Commonwealth Games, Festival 2018

Gold Coast, Australia


Jin Choi and Thomas Shine


Swell Sculpture


Om Engineering

Steel Fabrication 

Modern Metal Solutions, Concentric Fabrication


Swell Sculpture

Theatre Safe Australia

Maclift Crane Services

Special Thanks to 

The City of Gold Coast

Kate Fell, Creative Director, Festival 2018

Julianne Pierce, Producer,  Festival 2018 

Natasha Edwards and Ruth Della , Swell Sculpture

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

The Urchins are tangible and inhabitable art.  

Placed in Appel park and near the canal, it creates a shelter from the hot sun during the day with its pendulum like movement that sways with the breeze.  

When close to the lace, one can understand that every part of the lace is touched and created by hand.   In the Urchins, the intricate detail and mathematical patterns are creating  new windows to a familiar landscape, juxtaposing the old with the new, feminine lace with masculine urban scape and nature with man-made.  

Although they are composed of a firm membrane made from strong marine grade cord held rigid in metal construction,  the Urchins create an illusion of a levitating diaphanous lace, light weight and delicate, softly glowing with gentle movement.

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

Photo credit: © 2018 Lexi Spooner/Leximagery

The images and design  copyright 2018-2022 Choi+Shine Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

Contact:  Choi+Shine Architects for written permission for image use.

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

The Lace symbolically weaves different people and cultures, different urban textures and the past with the future.  Lace is used as an embellishment, a special celebration of milestones of life, feminine and delicate,  private and often intimate.  

Encounter with a lace in  monumental scale in unexpected public space create a element of surprise which contributes to the memory of time and space.  

Seeing hovering and glowing lacy objects against majestic skyscrapers and dark water makes the viewers pause and gaze.  This momentary pause of the mundane routine of our life give us an opportunity to find the poetry around us.

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

© 2018 Choi+Shine Architects

Photo credit: © 2018 Lexi Spooner/Leximagery

If you would like to participate

in our future crochet projects,

please send us an email to:

 skim [at] choishine.com

The design and images of The Urchins  are copyright 2017, Choi+Shine Architects and may not be used without written permission. 

“The Urchins”  is a trademark of Choi+Shine Architects.

The images and design  copyright 2016 - 2024   Choi+Shine Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

The designs, artworks and images on this page are subject to copyright, patent and/or trademark protection.

Contact:  Choi+Shine Architects for written permission for image use.

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